Module Board (ProAir) 01-000-832

01 000 832, 01000832, 01-000-832 Board. If your board has part number 01 000 639, 01000639, 01-000-639 then you need either a 67-000-134 or a 67-000-136 depending on your two large fuse amperages. Assembled board with fuses, jumper shunt, bracket, and nuts are sold as the appropriate 67 000 1** Part Number. For the 01 000 832 board, if the red polarity pin is located in slots P2 & P1, the board has positive polarity. If the red polarity pin is located in slots P3 & P2, the board has negative polarity. P1 is located towards the outer edge of the board, P3 is closer to the middle of the board. The large condenser fuse is located closer to the red polarity pin. The large evaporator fuse is located on the opposite side of the board from the red polarity pin. You can use this information and the table below to find the correct part number for your board. Sometimes there’s a white sticker on the bracket holding the board. On this sticker is a 67-000-1** part number, this is the part number you need.

NOTE: This board must be assembled for the proper application. If you need any help, please call 616-454-2200 or text pictures of your board to 616-292-7794 for proper board identification.

SKU: 01-000-832 Categories: ,


Part NumberPolarityFuses EvapFuses Cond
67 000 125Pos30A30A
67 000 126Pos30A40A
67 000 127Pos40A30A
67 000 128Pos40A40A
67 000 129Pos50A30A
67 000 131Pos50A40A
67 000 133Neg30A30A
67 000 134Neg30A40A
67 000 135Neg40A30A
67 000 136Neg40A40A
67 000 137Neg50A30A
67 000 138Neg50A40A

01 000 832, 01000832, 01-000-832

Please See PDF below for Wiring Diagram

01000832 Wiring Diagram